Logistics Study Northern Italy

Horst Wiesinger Consulting (HWC) is specialized in supporting global steel companies to optimize their production and the location for steel plants. Thereby the main focus lies on reaching a high quality level for the final steel products. TransCare was asked to support HWC by developing a logistics study as one module of an analysis for the site selection process of a worldwide operating steel production group in Northern Italy.


Supply chain analysis between Italian ports and steel mill locations

Major tasks of the project are the analysis and evaluation of steel handling facilities in North Italian ports and the evaluation of steel supply chain benchmarks from Northern Italy to several European destinations by ship, rail and road. TransCare was asked to give recommendations for optimizing alternative supply chain options with focus on infrastructure and equipment of potential steel mill sites and the logistics infrastructure of analyzed ports.


Supply chain evaluation and prioritization of steel mill locations

TransCare’s development of the logistics study was completed in three months.
The study contained a process definition for potential modes of inbound and outbound transport, an evaluation of infrastructure bottle-necks and quality aspects, e.g. transit time, safety or flexibility and an evaluation of the acceptance by local communities.
TransCare developed a business case including cost evaluation for inbound and outbound volume flows and a sensitivity analysis of the considered flows.
The site evaluation resulted in the prioritization of locations for a steel mill development.
The project resulted in recommendations towards preferred locations, transport modes, equipment, network and supply chain design and necessary further actions.
The recommendations are intended to serve as a basis for a future development project.


Our Services

  • Analysis of inbound and outbound volume flows
  • Capacity calculation for status quo and per forecast scenario
  • Determination of bottlenecks
  • Development of a logistics concept
  • Definition of required infrastructure measures
  • Calculation of needed investment
  • Site visits and evaluation (steel mill locations and suitable port)



Horst Wiesinger Consulting GmbH
Linz / Austria





We infuse knowledge and experience in logistics
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