The con­tents of this Site are for gen­eral in­for­ma­tion pur­poses only and Tran­sCare can­not ac­cept any li­a­bil­ity in re­la­tion to any as­pect of the Site. The Site is owned by Tran­sCare. All the ma­te­ri­als on the Site, in­clud­ing ar­ti­cles, im­ages, pho­tographs, pic­tures and text are pro­tected by copy­right, trade­mark and other in­tel­lec­tual prop­erty laws.


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Copy­right © 2017 Tran­sCare. All rights re­served.


Tran­sCare GmbH
Danziger Straße 14
D-65191 Wies­baden
Phone: +49 611 76 34 0
Fax: +49 611 76 34 169

Man­aging Director: Ralf Jah­ncke (Pres­i­dent and CEO)
Register Court: District Court Wiesbaden, Germany
Commercial Register No.: HRB 27144
V.A.T. Reg. No.: DE 158 150 348

Concept, Design and Realisation:
Bosbach Kommunikation & Design GmbH

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