Enonomy & Ecology

We search for the most economical, ecological and advantageous way of doing business: we help our customers save costs and money by reducíng resource consumption in transportation and logistics. In our solutions, we offer a review on the environmental effects, such as emissions and noise emissions. This is a time when external costs are constantly increasing, therefor it pays back to examine how to reduce these external effects and the carbon footprints.

People & Technology

In our solutions we focus on the human factor with his ability to influence and make decisions. Technology is also an important tool for us to automate process chains. In a rapidly changing world with a lot of unpredictables technology can not be the decisive factor.

Team & Experience

We work alongside our customers in a team: we contribute our innovative strength and ideas from our global experiences together with the practical knowledge of our customers and the know-how of their business.

Who you can count on

We are a team of approximately 15 consultants with a broad range of technical backgrounds. In addition to engineers and economists TransCare offers you experts in logistics and rail transportation. In a quick turnaround time, we form a specialised team of consultants with experts in specific business areas, relating to the project requirements.

 Ralf Jahncke is the long-standing CEO & President of TransCare, the company he founded in 1993. Ralf Jahncke worked for a medium-sized forwarding company after studying the transportation business at Heilbronn University. From 1987 to 1993 Jahncke was the Managing Director of Kombiverkehr, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kombinierte Güterverkehr mbH & Co. KG in Frankfurt / Main, a railway services company, which he developed into a leading provider of combined rail road transport in Europe. During this period, he further initiated and founded the company Kombiwaggon GmbH.

During his professional career, Jahncke lectured at the Heilbronn University, where he was a member of the supervisory board of Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Straßen-Schiene (DUSS), Combined Transport Limited (CTL) and Kombi Basel AG.

Since 1988 he has been a member of both the Advisory Board of Freight Transport at Heilbronn University and the Intermodal Working Group at the German Logistics Association. Since 2003 Jahncke is a member of the Executive Board “transport logistic” at Messe München GmbH. In the German Transport Forum, Jahncke is also a member of the governing bodies of freight transport, rail transport, ports and shipping.

Our background


TransCare is founded by Ralf Jahncke


Awarded the European Innovation Award For Intermodal Transport


Development of the Transport Concept for the German Football Association for the 2006 FIFA World Cup 


TransCare opens a company representation in Russia


TransCare Iberia is founded in Madrid, Spain and a Company representation in Tibilisi, Georgia


First major project in South Africa


Prize winner in the market consultation process for the Hamburg Port Authority and  Steinwerder Container Terminal


Development of the toll-road study, the “Wiesbaden Model”


First large-scale project in Bahrain


Large-scale projects in Malaysia an Slovenia;
Growing share of M & A projects


Major cost efficiency project for a global
manufacturer of rail vehicles

Interested? Get in touch with us.